Should you write the content for your tourism website?

Should you write the content for your tourism website?

You can write for your website, but should you?

I often hear people say "I'm not a bad writer, I'll write everything myself and save some money." Or, "I know my business better than anyone so I'm the best person to write about it."

Most of us don't hesitate to call on a plumber to fix a leak, a lawyer for legal advice, or a technician to fix the photocopier.

Writing is no different.

Writing effectively is a specialised skill

And like a leaky pipe or a legal problem, there are real risks to not getting it right the first time.

Ineffective or inconsistent writing can confuse customers, misrepresent your product or service and even damage your brand and reputation.

It all adds up to wasted time and money.

Good writing captures attention and entices the audience to read on. It clearly communicates the benefits of your business, product or service.

Great writing will keep customers on your website for longer, help them fall in love with your brand and increase sales.

And this is exactly what you need – words and pictures working together as the perfect digital team.

When should you use a professional writer?

Take a look at your writing task and ask yourself some questions:

  • Are you an effective or efficient writer?
  • Do you have time to write?
  • Do you know the unique benefits of your product or service and can you easily communicate them?
  • Can you afford to lose time or money with an ineffective or inconsistent message?

If you answered no to any of these questions then you need a professional writer.

I often see web (and print!) projects stuck in limbo as people try to wrestle content into shape. When a copywriter, a professional writer, comes to their rescue they definitely feel the relief. And their brand and marketing goals get back on track.

How do copywriters work?

Copywriters work with you to develop a detailed brief – information that helps them learn as much as possible about your business, products and services.

It's all about understanding what keeps your customers awake at night and how you can solve those problems – highlighting the benefits that really matter to your customers.

Then, copywriters tailor their writing tone and style to talk directly to your target audience and inspire action.

Clear, concise, consistent

Professional copywriters follow proven methods to produce effective, consistent and appealing writing in the shortest possible timeframe.

They have time and space dedicated just for writing, free from interruptions and distractions.

They use engaging and informative writing to communicate the unique benefits of your product or service. Words that capture your customer's attention, build trust and motivate action.

Fresh eyes, fresh approach

Sometimes you can be so close to a product or service it can be hard to see its unique selling points.

Or you might have an awesome product, but it's complicated and you're not sure how to explain it simply.

A great test is to watch people's reaction as you explain your product or service in person. Are their eyes glazing over? Do they ask, 'but what do you really do'? And are you still trying to get your point across two minutes later?

Copywriters clear out the clutter and hone in on your key messages

In an increasingly competitive marketplace the fresh approach of a copywriter can help you stand out from the crowd.

Overwhelmed by words?

I'm here to help you. And so is my team.

Contact us to get clear on your message and communicate it effectively to your target customers.

P.S. Know someone who really needs a wordsmith? Share this post via social media. 

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