Terms and Conditions

We will always do our best to fulfil your needs and meet your goals, but sometimes it's best to have a few things written down so that we both know what's what, who should do what and what happens if stuff goes wrong.

In this document, you won't find complicated legal terms or long passages of unreadable text. We have no desire to trick you into signing something that you might later regret. We always want what's best for the safety of both parties, now and in the future.

In short: You are hiring us, WOOF Media Pty Ltd, to provide services for the total price outlined in our proposal.

To What Are Both Parties Agreeing?

As signatory to this proposal, you confirm you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organisation.

You agree to:

  • provide us with everything that we'll need to complete the project – including copy, high resolution photographs and images – as and when we need it, in the format we ask for;
  • review our work, provide feedback and approval in a timely manner. Deadlines work two ways and you'll also be bound by any dates that we set together and any variations to these will be confirmed in writing;
  • stick to the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract and any mutually agreed and approved variations.

We agree that we:

  • have the ability to perform the services you need from us and we will carry them out in a professional and timely manner;
  • will endeavor to meet all the deadlines set but we can't be responsible for a missed launch date or a deadline if you have been late in supplying materials or have not approved or signed off our work on-time at any stage;
  • will maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give us.

Design and Revisions

Standard terms include one proof and one full set of minor alterations to that proof before supplying a final proof (the second and final proof). The number of proofs and rounds of revisions may vary for your project and will be confirmed in our quote.

A minor alteration is limited to image and copy replacements or minor edits to elements but does not extend to entire redesigns of sections or re-structuring or reconstruction of pages, elements, or maps.

Feedback and recommendation of minor alterations for the proof will be accepted via one complete set of feedback submitted via your nominated project liaison officer. This ensures we reduce the risk of introducing further errors via conflicting sets of feedback.

One (1) final proof will be supplied after the included proofs and revision rounds. Further alterations beyond this final proof will require your approval and are chargeable at our retail design rate of $150/hour + GST until final approval.

Changes to Project Scope

The estimate/quotation prices in our proposal are based on the amount of work we estimate we'll need to accomplish everything that you have told us you want to achieve. If you do want to change your mind and include extra requirements or elements, that won't be a problem. However, you will be charged accordingly, and these additional costs will need to be agreed to before the extra work commences. This additional work will affect deadlines and they will be moved accordingly.

We'll be up front about all of this if, and when it happens to make sure we're all on the same page before proceeding. We will require you to put requests in writing so we can keep track of change requests. If the nature or functions of the project change significantly throughout the process, we reserve the right to deem the current project cancelled. At this point you will pay us in full for all the work we have done and may commission us to complete the new project based on the new requirements. This will require a new quote and contract.

Legal necessities…

If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


You guarantee to us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork that you provide us are either owned by you, or that you have permission to use them.

When we receive your final payment, copyright will be assigned as follows:

  • You own the final files for all graphics and other visual elements that we create for you for this project.
  • WOOF Media will retain copyright over all design/solutions produced by the company. Retaining copyright over our original designs ensures that the integrity of the original design is maintained, which in turn benefits you, our valued client.
  • We'll give you a copy of all final files and you should store them really safely as we are not required to keep them or provide any native source files we used to make them later, if you do have an unfortunate loss of files event (sadly, they do happen!)
  • We love to showcase our work and share with other people, so we reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and to write about the project on websites, social media, in magazine articles and in books about design as the opportunities arise. We will always provide credit back to you and a link to your website if applicable.

Payment TERMS

  • All invoices within the payment terms outlined in your proposal, unless a variation to this arrangement has been approved by us in writing.
  • We accept cash, cheque, bank transfers, Mastercard and Visa as forms of payment.
    Please note, a 1.75% surcharge applies when making payment by Mastercard or Visa.
  • WOOF Media is entitled to charge you for any fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 30 days.